Full range version of the Give a number task, instead of the titration method
Created by Attila Krajcsi at 2019-02-16 09:13:06, updated at 2019-02-16 09:17:13
Short description In the Give a number task, asking a wide range of numbers, instead of asking only numbers until the child can give them correctly, reveals that the knowledge of a number is not all or nothing, as supposed by the classic titration method, but there is a gradual decrease as numbers get larger. The classic titration method cannot capture this gradual knowledge, consequently, it may be imprecise. Additionally, larger numbers than 5 should be asked, too, because there are several children who does not know all numbers in their counting lists, even if 5 or some larger numbers are known. Find more details at https://www.thenumberworks.org/the_give_a_number_task_revisited.html
Reference Krajcsi, A., Fintor, E., & Hodossy, L. (2018, September 7). A refined description of preschoolers’ initial symbolic number learning. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/2kh9s
Authors Attila Krajcsi, Edina Fintor, Lilla Hodossy
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